Perang di bumi baru saja berakhir, tapi perang untuk alam semesta baru saja dimulai. Setelah kembali ke Cybertron, Starcream akhirnya memegang lagi jabatan sebagai bos dari The Decepticon dan memutuskan untuk kembali lagi ke bumi melakukan pembalasan. Sementara Autobots sendiri harus menghadapi kenyataan bahwa kedamaian di bumi tak mungkin terwujud setelah rongsokan Megatron yang berada di US Military dicuri oleh Skorpinox yang kemudian dihidupkan kembali dengan spark-nya sendiri. Kini Megatron pun kembali, dan tentu dengan kekuatan yang lebih dahsyat, lebih besar, dengan Starcream dan pasukan Decepticon yang lebih tangguh. Di sisi lain Autobots tak tinggal diam siap menghadapi segala kemungkinan terburuk dari balas dendam Megatron!
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Download Windows Tiny XP Platinum Edition 2
Dicorat coret HaZzRoCK di 19.43 Label: Download SoftwareDownload Windows Tiny XP Platinum Edition 2
Windows TinyXP Platinum Edition 2
Fitur-fitur Utama:
- Windows XP Service Pack 2 integrated
- All 133 Windows Updates (Windows is up to date to 12th June 2007)
- All installs pass the "Windows Genuine Advantage" checks
- Choose from four different installs of Windows XP
- Includes 5th boot option: Acronis backup + restore environment
- Added drivers to support CPU, Chipset, LAN, SATA and Wireless LAN
- Windows Post Install menu with most commonly requested programs
- Option to create your own bare ISO from any of the four installs
- Windows Vista Aero Glass theme set by default on all installs
- Windows Vista drive indicator (shows a bar under your drive icon)
- VMware Tools automatically installed if you install in VMware
- All software included is the latest edition as of June 12th 2007
- More than 100 registry tweaks to make using Windows easier
- All installs set monitor resolution to 1024 x 768 x 32 @85Hz
- Services configuration files included to reduce memory use
- eXPerience's ShrinkXP batch files to strip Windows "on the fly"
- This release is kept to a CD sized ISO so anyone can use it
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Untuk menginstal TinyXP dari CD, set BIOS untuk bootingda dari CD-ROM drive. Installah dengan partisi baru (tidak bisa upgrade), karena opsi ini dihilangkan. Tidak memerlukan product key, instalasi TinyXP sudah dipilih, Anda hanya perlu memilih pastisi yang akan di instal selanjutnya otomatis.
Seluruh instalasi disetting US English, namun masih bisa di set ulang setelah instalasi selesai menggunakan Control Panel> Language and Regional Settings.
Ketika booting dari CD akan terdapat menu pilihan seperti berikut:
1 - TinyXP With IE/OE/WMP (With Drivers)
2 - TinyXP With IE/OE/WMP (Without Drivers)
3 - TinyXP Without IE/OE/WMP (With Drivers)
4 - TinyXP Without IE/OE/WMP (Without Drivers)
5 - Boot Into Acronis Backup + Restore
IE = Internet Explorer 7 Web Browser
OE = Outlook Express Email Client
WMP = Windows Media Player 11
Program yang terinstal otomatis:
- Service Pack 2 For Windows XP
- 133 Hotfixes Up To 12th June 2007
- Flash Player v9.0.28.0
- Opera v9.21 (only installed on options without IE7)
- Prio (Task Manager Priority Saver) v1.9.6
- Royale Noir and Royale Blue Themes
- Thunderbird v2.0.0.0 (only installed on options without OE)
- Vista Aero Glass Theme v4
- Vista Drive Indicator v3.1.1.0
- VMware 5 Tools v5.5.4 Build 44386 (only installed in VMware 5)
Tambahan file di system32:
- cdimage.exe (untuk membuat ISO menggunakan command line)
- CDR.exe (klik kanan opsi untuk optical drives)
- lame_enc.dll (encoding programs untuk MP3 encoding)
- layout.dll (pilihan "Save desktop icon layout")
- makecab.exe (untuk membuat file cabinet)
- On-Screen Keyboard (osk.exe)
- pskill.exe (Kill processes di command line)
- sleep.exe (untuk membuat batch command file "menunggu")
- Resolusi Video (pengubah resolusi ke 1024 x 768 setelah on instalasi)
[Windows Post Install Menu]
Programs berikut bisa di-instal dari "Install Programs" icon Desktop:
- DirectX DLL Libraries #24 to #33
- FoxIt PDF Reader Pro v2.0 Build 1312
- Java SE Runtime Environment 6 Update 1 v1.6.0_01
- K-Lite Mega Codec Pack v2.10
- NOD32 Antivirus v2.70.39
- Nero Micro (Express and Burning ROM) v7.9.6.0
- .NET Framework 2.0 v2.0.50727.42
- Office 2003 SP2 Lite v11.6568.6568
- Opera Browser v9.21
- PeerGuardian v2.0 Beta 6b
- Perfectdisk Defrag Server Edition v8.0 Build 64
- Photoshop CS2 v9.0.2
- Sygate Personal Firewall Pro v5.6 Build 3408
- Sound Forge v9.0a Build 297
- Thunderbird v2.0.0.0
- uTorrent v1.6.1 Build 490
- VMware Workstation v5.5.4 Build 44386
- Windows Live Messenger v8.1.0178.0
- WinRAR v3.70
Bashrat The Sneaky Driverpacks (Options 1 and 3 only)
- CPU (v7.04.1)
- Chipset (v7.06)
- LAN (Ethernet) (v7.06.1)
- SATA (Mass Storage) (v7.06.1)
- Wireless LAN (v7.04)
Folder eXPerience, Desktop, Sub-Folders:
- Desktop Icon Layout
- Keyboard Settings
- Registry Backup
- Services Configuration Files
- ShrinkXP Scripts
- Vista Aero Glass Theme (text file)
Program yang dihilangkan:
The following items have been removed from options one and two...
- Games
- Internet Games
- Pinball
- Display Adapters
- Modems
- Printers
- Arabic (Algeria), Arabic (Bahrain), Arabic (Egypt), Arabic (Iraq),
- Arabic (Jordan), Arabic (Kuwait), Arabic (Lebanon), Arabic (Libya),
- Arabic (Morocco), Arabic (Oman), Arabic (Qatar), Arabic (Saudi Arabia),
- Arabic (Syria), Arabic (Tunisia), Arabic (U.A.E.), Arabic (Yemen),
- Divehi (Maldives), Syriac (Syria), Urdu, Armenian, Estonian, Latvian,
- Lithuanian, Azeri (Cyrillic), Belarusian, FYRO Macedonian, Kazakh,
- Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan), Mongolian (Mongolia), Tatar, Ukrainian, Uzbek
- (Cyrillic), Georgian, Greek, Hebrew, Bengali (India), Gujarati (India),
- Hindi, Kannada (India), Konkani, Malayalam (India), Marathi, Punjabi
- (India), Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu (India), Japanese, Korean, Chinese
- (PRC), Chinese (Singapore), Farsi, Thai, Chinese (Hong Kong S.A.R.),
- Chinese (Macau S.A.R.), Chinese (Taiwan), Azeri (Latin), Turkish,
- Uzbek (Latin), Vietnamese.
- Images and Backgrounds
- Music Samples
- MSN Explorer
- Windows Messenger
- Help and Support
- Manual Install and Upgrade
- NET Framework
- Out of Box Experience (OOBE)
- Search Assistant
- Security Center
- Tour
- Beep Driver
- Error Reporting
- Indexing Service
- Messenger
- System Restore Service
- SUPPORT (setupmgr.exe for creating WINNT.SIF is kept)
untuk pilihan dengan Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and Windows
Media Player (pilihan pertama dan kedua) ukuran folder WINDOWS = 680Mb.
untuk pilihan tanpa Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and Windows
Media Player (pilihan pertama dan kedua) ukuran folder WINDOWS = 525Mb.
None of the people below either support or endorse
this release. Credit is given because credit is due:
- Nuhi (Dino Nuhagic) - nLite -
- Bashrat The Sneaky - Driverpacks -
- Ironjer - Aero Glass Theme -
- Kel - Vista HDD Indicator -
- Kel - VMware 5 Tools -
- Boooggy - WMP 11 Addon -
(fixes, patches, keygens, cracks):
- SSG - FoxIt PDF Reader Pro (Patch)
- NSANE - NOD32 Antivirus (Fix)
- EMBRACE - Nero Burning ROM (Keygen)
- ZWT - Perfectdisk Server Edition (Cracked on install)
- MG-TEAM - WinRAR (Patch)
- Lz0 - Sony Sound Forge (Cracked on install)
- ZWT - VMware 5 (Keygen)
"Sound Forge" and "VMware Workstation" reduced in size by eXPerience.
All silent installers created by eXPerience.
Note: No cracks, fixes, keygens or patches are distributed with this
release, except the NSANE fix, which is installed with NOD32. The
above fixes, patches, cracks and keygens are only the methods used,
all installations either have the serial in a registry file, or they
include pre-cracked files. There are other installs in this edition
of TinyXP, for example: Photoshop CS2 reduced installation, Office
2003 reduced installation, Internet Explorer 7 Addon, where the authors
seem to have not put a name to their work, sorry that credit is not
given if you made these items! I think the Office 2003 is Chinese
in origin (even though it installs in English).
Special thanks go out to everyone from SnipeR's
Redemption Network for suggestions and help!
ISO File Checksum (SHA-512)
After you have extracted the ISO file from the RAR parts, you can
check the checksum of this ISO file to verify that it is a genuine
eXPerience release - To get the "SHA-512" checksum for this ISO
file calculated, use the included program "HashCalc.exe" and...
1 - Run HashCalc.
2 - Tick the "SHA512" tick box.
3 - Untick all other tickboxes.
4 - Click the browse "..." button (next to the white box)
5 - In the window that pops up, double click the ISO file.
6 - Click "Calculate"
7 - After about one minute you will see a 128 digit number.
Make sure that the number shown in HashCalc is the same as this one:
If your checksum number is not the same as above, don't use this release, because it is not a genuine eXPerience release!
This same checksum code can be verified with the one in the post for this release.
Remember this checksum is NOT for any of the RAR parts, it is the checksum for the ISO file that is inside the RAR archives.
To extract the ISO from the downloaded archive, just open the first RAR file with WinRAR or 7-Zip. The ISO file is already bootable, just open the ISO file with Nero and burn it as an image file.
Pastikan burning ISO dengan 16x atau kurang (38,000 file).
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Do’a Bulan Rajab
اللهم بارك لنا في رجب وشعبان وبلغنا رمضان
Senantiasa kita mendengar do’a sebagaimana tersebut diatas, saat mendekatnya kita dengan bulan suci Ramadhan. Kebanyakan da’i atau penceramah menyandarkan do’a ini kepada Nabi shallallohu ‘alaihi wasallam. Namun yang menjadi persoalan adalah, apakah benar do’a ini berasal dari Rosululloh (haditsnya shahih)?
Nash Hadits tersebut, Telah disebutkan dalam Musnad Imam Ahmad (1/259)
حدثنا عبد الله ، حدثنا عبيد الله بن عمر ، عن زائدة بن أبي الرقاد ، عن زياد النميري ، عن أنس بن مالك قال : كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا دخل رجب قال : اللهم بارك لنا في رجب وشعبان وبارك لنا في رمضان وكان يقول : ليلة الجمعة غراء ويومها أزهر .
Menceritakan kepada kami Abdullah, Ubaidullah bin Umar, dari Zaidah bin Abi ar-Raaqod, dari Ziyad an-Numairi, dari Anas bin Malik berkata ia, Adalah Nabi shallallohhu ‘alaihi wasallam apabila masuk bulan Rajab, beliau berdo’a ; “Ya Alloh berkahilah kami dibulan Rajab dan Sya’ban dan sampaikanlah kami kepada Bulan Ramadhan. Kemudian beliau berkata, “Pada malam jumatnya ada kemuliaan, dan siangnya ada keagungan.
Takhrij hadits,
Diriwayatkan oleh Ibn Sunny dalam “Amal Yaumi wal Lailah” (659) dari jalur ibn Mani’ dikabarkan oleh Ubaidullah bin Umar Al-Qawaririy.
Dan Baihaqiy dalam Su’abul Iman (3/375) dari jalur Abi Abdullah al-Hafidz, dikabarkan dari Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Ma’mal, dari AlFadhil bin Muhammad Asy-Sya’raniy, dari Al-Qawaririy.
Dan Abu Nu’aim dalam Al-Hilyah (6/269) dari jalur Habib bin Al-Hasan, dan ‘Ali bin Harun ia berkata, menceritakan kepada kami Yusuf Al-Qadhi, dari Muhammad bin Abi Bakr, dari Zaidah bin Abi ar-Raaqod.
Dan AlBazar dalam Musnadnya (Mukhtasar Zawaidul Bazar li Hafidz 1/285) dari jalur Ahmad bin Malik al-Qusyairi dari Zaidah.
Hadits tersebut memiliki 2 cacat,
- Ziyad bin Abdullah An-Numairy
Berkata Yahya bin Ma’in ; Haditsnya Dhaif
Berkata Abu Hatim ; Haditsnya ditulis, tapi tidak (bisa) dijadikan Hujjah
Berkata Abu ubaid Al-Ajry ; Aku bertanya kepada Abu Daud tentangnya, maka ia mendhaifkannya.
Ibnu Hajr berkata : Ia Dhaif
- Zaidah bin Abi Ar-Raaqod
Berkata Al-Bukhary : Haditsnya Mungkar
Abu Daud berkata : Aku tidak mengenalnya
An-Nasa’i berkata : Aku tidak tahu siapa dia
Adz-Dzahaby berkata : Tidak bisa dijadikan hujjah
Komentar Ahlul Ilmi tentang hadits ini,
Al-Baihaqiy dalam Su’abul Iman (3/375) berkata, telah menyendiri Ziyad An-Numairi dari jalur Zaidah bin Abi ar-Raqad, Al-Bukhary berkata, Hadits dari keduanya adalah mungkar.
An-Nawawy dalam Al-Adzkar (274) berkata, kami telah meriwayatkannya dan terdapat kedhaifan dalam sanadnya.
Dan seterusnya lihat
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LINKIN PARK [ ALL ALBUM ], g pake RAPIDSHARE, ZIDDU, MEGAUPLOAD, 4SHARED, dll yang downloadnya pake Nunggu, nie LINK LOKAL SEMUA, klik langsung Download..!! ENJOY...
Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory 2000
Tracklist :
1. Papercut
2. One Step Closer
3. With You
4. Points of Authority
5. Crawling
6. Runaway
7. By Myself
8. In the End
9. A Place for My Head
10. Forgotten
11. Cure for the Itch
12. Pushing Me Away
[Download Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory]

Tracklistnya :
1. Opening
2. Pts.OF.Athrty
3. Enth E Nd
4. [Chali]
5. Frgt/10
6. P5hng Me A*wy
7. Plc.4 Mie Hæd
8. X-Ecutioner Style
9. H! Vltg3
10. [Riff Raff]
11. Wth>You
12. Ntr\Mssion
13. Ppr:Kut
14. Rnw@y
15. My December
16. Stef
17. By Myslf
18. Kyur for th Ich
19. One step closer
20. Krowling
[Download Linkin Park-Reanimation 2002]
Linkin Park - METEORA 2003

1. Foreword
2. Don't Stay
3. Somewhere I Belong
4. Lying from You
5. Hit the Floor
6. Easier to Run
7. Faint
8. Figure.09
9. Breaking the Habit
10. From the Inside
11. Nobody's Listening
12. Session
13. Numb
[Download Linkin Park - Meteora]
Linkin Park & Jay-Z - Collision Course 2004

1. Dirt off Your Shoulder/Lying from You
2. Big Pimpin'/Papercut
3. Jigga What/Faint
4. Numb/Encore
5. Izzo/In the End
6. Points of Authority/99 Problems/One Step Closer
[Download LP Feat JZ Collision Course]
Linkin Park - Minutes to Midnight (2007)

2.Given Up
3.Leave Out All the Rest
4.Bleed It Out
5.Shadow of the Day
6.What I've Done
7.Hands Held High
8.No More Sorrow
9.Valentine's Day
10.In Between
11.In Pieces
12.The Little Things Give You Away
[Download LP Minutes to Midnight 2007]
Linkin Park - Songs from the Underground (EP) (2008)

1. Announcement Service Public
2. Qwerty (Studio Version)
3. And One
4. Sold My Soul To Yo Mama
5. Dedicated (Demo 1999)
6. Hunger Strike (Live from Projekt Revolution 2008) (Chris Cornell ft. Chester Bennington)
7. My December (Live 2008)
8. Part of Me (hidden instrumental at 9:58)
[Download LP-Songs From The Underground]
Linkin Park - A Tribute To

1.Crawling - (Fredco's Demon version)
2.With You - (Sinister version)
3.High Voltage - (Razed In Black version)
4.Runaway - ( version)
5.My December - (Dead Girls Corp version)
6.Papercut - (Razor version)
7.Place For My Head - (Joolz version)
8.One Step Closer - (Leather Fire version)
9.In the End - (Forward To Death version)
10.Forgotten - (Razed In Black version)
11.Pushing Me Away - (Dictated version)
12.By Myself - (Fixer version)
13.Points of Authority - (DJ Chiller Vs. Big Ed)
[Download LP-A Tribute To]
Linkin Park - Road to Revolution: Live at Milton Keynes (2008)

Tracklist :
1. One Step Closer
2. From The Inside
3. No More Sorrow
4. Given Up
5. Lying From You
6. Hands Held High
7. Leave Out All the Rest
8. Numb
9. The Little Things Give You Away
10. Breaking the Habit
11. Shadow of the Day
12. Crawling
13. In the End
14. Pushing Me Away
15. What I’ve Done
16. Numb/Encore
17. Jigga What/Faint
18. Bleed It Out
[Download LP Road to Revolution: Live at Milton Keynes 2008]
Linkin Park - Live In Texas (2003)

1. Somewhere I Belong
2. Lying from You
3. Papercut
4. Points of Authority
5. Runaway
6. Faint
7. From the Inside
8. P5hng Me A*wy
9. Numb
10. Crawling
11. In the End
12. One Step Closer
[Download LP Live in Texas]
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Windows XP Dreams On CD 2009 iso file | 700 MB
Today I put you between a modified version of windows XP SP3 imaginary specifications for this first version is the way the rate of manual and accept the installation of hard bot is a new way and the rate has not been used by this version, consolidated version, when you get the sense it you will get at least 6 copies of the spot, as it is to copy multi-style, as well as multilingual to the speed in this version varies quite different from any previous version for me and his version does not need to be updated from the Internet to accept all the programs without the update.
Version features:
1st high-speed very much more than xp sp5 multilingual.
2nd contains a very large number of programs that are Albortabl small and numerous great interest, I can not mention all
3. As we have said it is multilingual and multi-style
4th-containing glass features a wonderful and different and new
5th contains regular features on the very good and beauty
6. What distinguishes this version is that the user can reach to the top of the graphics and also to what it was
7. Containing version of the program on behalf of the windows options through which control the full version of each large and small, and I will let Tkchwon yourself.
8th was the opening of new services to the owners of local networks that are closed, like the XP SP2 service net send and winchat and other
9th-free version of the meaning of specialized programs that you install the software on your own favorites
10. Added new games in the first version
11. All that can be done, such as nlite program to increase the number of contacts in the Alturient and other work, but I have a manual
12. Kaino Messenger programs for example, when on his inauguration will find it works automatically Multiforms
13. You'll see in the windows options of the tools integrated with version control tools, and what you should marvel at
14. You can restore the speed of your copy at any time of the restore Windows speed is
This page control Alfoldarat also choose steel as you want and do not forget to press the matter to rebuild icons.
if you have to transfer from the Classic Alvesta way I wanted to return and steel changed as follows:
1. You are puzzled by the steel now and not Alvesta
2nd go to vista to classic and put pressure on this key and wait for a black dos screen will not boycotting, and wait until the end then the choice represents a new Otto Matekeya Click OK
3. Restart the device
4. Open Albornamjeh again and click on it rebuild icons
[Download Windows Xp Dreams ]
OS ini Lebih Cepat dari SP5 kata Moddernya:MR.MOHAMED ELNASEH
Setelah saya coba Utk masalah kecepatan windows ini tdk usah diragukan lagi
Utk Tampilan awalnya setelah diinstal jgn kecewa dulu,karena tdk sesuai gambar,nanti bisa diotak atik pakai Windows Option(Menunya ada diDekstop)
thx aang he he he pinter
FLV Player is a Free stand alone (FLV) Portable flash video player that allows a user to play Adobe flash video files on a Windows PC. Flash Video files can be opened and played back either from a locally saved .flv file or streamed from a URL. This flash media player supports drag and drop functionality as well as full screen mode. FLV Player requires roughly 3.10MB of free space for complete portable installation.
License: Freeware
How to make FLV Player Portable:
1. Download the flvplayer setup.exe
2. Click the flvplayer_setup.exe and install to your PC
3. Copy the C:\Program Files\FLV Player folder to your portable device
4. From the FLV Player folder, Click FLVPlayer.exe to launch FLV Player
Lirik Lagu Dewa 19 - Bukan Cinta Manusia Biasa
Ku tetap mencintaimu masih
meski kau tak cinta aku
ku tetap merindukan
meski kau tak pernah merasa
sedikit pun untuk merindukan aku
cintaku ini bukan cinta milik manusia biasa
cintaku ini cinta sejati yang paling sejati
ku tetap memaafkan salahmu
meski kau terus sakiti
ku tetap menerima
seribu kata maaf
yang selalu kau ucapkan
dari bibirmu yang manis
repeat reff
ku tetap mencintaimu masih
meski kau tak cinta aku
ku tetap merindukan
meski kau tak pernah merasa sedikitpun
untuk merindukan diriku
merindukan aku
repeat reff [2x]
Downloadnya disini
Up (2009) Cam - Animation movie 2009
Dicorat coret HaZzRoCK di 23.05 Label: Animation movies, Movie, movie 2009, West Movies
Trivia: The boy Russell is Pixar’s first Japanese / Asian American character voiced by an Asian-American actor, ‘Jordan Nogai’.
By tying thousands of balloon to his home, 78-year-old Carl Fredricksen sets out to fulfill his lifelong dream to see the wilds of South America. Right after lifting off, however, he learns he isn’t alone on his journey, since Russell, a wilderness explorer 70 years his junior, has inadvertently become a stowaway on the trip.
Download Up (2009) Cam disini
Pengertian UML (Unified Modeling Language)
UML adalah bahasa standar yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan dan
memvisualisasikan artifak dari proses analisis dan desain berorientasi obyek. UML
menyediakan standar notasi dan diagram yang bisa digunakan memodelkan suatu sistem.
UML dikembangkan oleh Grady Booch, Jim Rumbaugh dan Ivar Jacobson. UML menjadi
bahasa yang bisa digunakan untuk berkomunikasi dalam perspektif obyek antara user,
developer dan project manajer.
UML memungkinkan developer melakukan pemodelan secara visual,yaitu
membantu untuk menangkap struktur dan kelakuan (behavior) suatu obyek, mempermudah
penggambaran interaksi antara elemen dalam sistem dan mempertahankan konsistensi
antara desain dan implementasi dalam pemrograman.
Unified Modeling Language (UML) adalah bahasa spesifikasi standar untuk mendokumentasikan, menspesifikasikan, dan membangun sistem perangkat lunak. UML tidak berdasarkan pada bahasa pemrograman tertentu. Standar spesifikasi UML dijadikan standar defacto oleh OMG (Object Management Group) pada tahun 1997.UML yang berorientasikan object mempunyai beberapa notasi standar.
Spesifikasi ini menjadi populer dan standar karena sebelum adanya UML, telah ada berbagai macam spesifikasi yang berbeda. Hal ini menyulitkan komunikasi antar pengembang perangkat lunak. Untuk itu beberapa pengembang spesifikasi yang sangat berpengaruh berkumpul untuk membuat standar baru. UML dirintis oleh Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh pada tahun 1994 dan kemudian Ivar Jacobson.
UML mendeskripsikan OOP (Object Oriented Programming) dengan beberapa diagram, diantaranya:
Diagram struktur:
1. Diagram kelas
2. Diagram obyek
3. Diagram komponen
4. Diagram deployment
Diagram perilaku:
1. Diagram use-case
2. Diagram urutan/sekuen
3. Diagram kolaborasi
4. Diagram statechart
5. Diagram aktivitas
Software Rational Rose merupakan salah satu tools untuk membuat suatu UML.
Banyak tools selain Rational Rose dari yang gratis sampai yang berbayar, namun untuk
Rational Rose merupakan software yang berbayar. Rational Rose merupakan software
buatan IBM yang dapat didownload di . Dengan Rational Rose,
pemodelan dapat dilakukan dengan drag n' drop. Berikut adalah IDE dari Rational Rose :
Untuk Download Rational Rose 2000 Enterprise Edition disini
Untuk Download Rational Rose 2000 Enterprise Edition Turitorial disini Read More..
Lingoes Portable is both a portable dictionary and portable text translation software. It features a complete dictionary and can translate text and pronunciation of words in over eighty different languages. Simply unzip it into USB Flash Drive and run it wherever you have access to a PC. Lingoes is a great Portable Dictionary to use in school, at a cybercafe, library and more.
Screenshot of Lingoes Portable Dictionary
Authors Site:
License: Freeware
Download: Get the Lingoes Portable Dictionary
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Frets on Fire Screenshot:
Authors Website:
License: Open Source
Download: Grab this Portable Game HERE
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Dalam petualangannya ke hutan, Ratna (Sandra Dewi) diculik oleh Arde (Vincent Rompies) dan disembunyikan di sebuah gua. Di dalam gua, Ratna berkenalan dengan Tarzan (Ajul Jiung).
Ratna dan Tarzan segera menjadi teman baik. Tarzan pun mengantar Ratna pulang ke kota naik kuda. Para binatang teman-teman Tarzan terlihat sedih atas kepergiannya, namun Tarzan berjanji untuk kembali dan membawakan mereka semua oleh-oleh.
Setibanya di kota, dimulailah petualangan Tarzan.. Hidup di kota membuat Tarzan bingung. Ratna harus mengajari Tarzan cara hidup di kota, yang sangat berbeda dengan hutan. Mulai dari menggunakan toilet, cara makan, sampai berbahasa Inggris.
Keberadaan Tarzan akhirnya diketahui oleh Arde yang telah mengganti namanya menjadi Mamahi, alias Master Mata Hitam. Mamahi berusaha menipu Tarzan untuk menangkapi binatang-binatang liar untuk dijual sebagai bahan kosmetik. Tarzan pun dimusuhi oleh sahabat-sahabatnya, karena dianggap telah menjual saudara sendiri pada orang kota.
Tarzan marah. Ia lalu berjanji untuk melawan Mamahi. Sementara Ratna harus menghadapi konsekuensi dari tindakannya, yang telah membawa Tarzan ke Kota.
Sebuah film komedi petualangan yang seru untuk semua usia
Tarzan ke Kota, tayang serentak di bioskop mulai 4 Desember 2008
Jenis Film :
Produser :
Lavesh Samtani, Khristo Damar Alam, Mandy Marhaimin
Produksi :
13 Entertainment & Lolipop Pictures
Homepage :
Durasi :
Pemain :
Sandra Dewi
Vincent Club 80’s
Ajul Jiung
Him Damsyik
Connie Sutejda
Reza Pahlevi
Sutradara :
Reka Wijaya
Penulis :
Reka Wijaya
Download Tarzan Ke Kota
SEnin Payaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!! Huh!!
Kularut luruh dalam keheningan hatimu
Jatuh bersama derasnya tetes airmata
Kau benamkan wajahmu yang berteduhkan duka
Melagukan kepedihan di dalam jiwamu
Tak pernah terpikirkan olehku
Untuk tinggalkan engkau seperti ini
Tak terbayangkan jikaku beranjak pergi
Betapa hancur dan harunya hidupmu
Sebenarnya ku tak ingin berada disini
Di tempat jauh yang sepi memisahkan kita
Kuberharap semuanya pasti akan berbeda
Meski tak mungkin menumbuhkan jiwa itu lagi
Aku tak mengerti apa yang mungkin terjadi
Sepenuh hatiku aku tak mengerti
Menerobos Gelap
Ku ikrarkan hati untuk maju melangkah pergi
Menerobos dinding-dinding gelap ini
Tak ku pertanyakan lagi seperti waktu itu
Pernah ku terjebak tanpa satu teman menemaniku
Ketika (selagi) aku tenggelam dalam kesunyian ini
ku coba mendamaikan hatiku
Sepatutnya aku mampu melaluinya
Menjejakkan kakiku meretaskan jiwa
(Melangkahkan kakiku menuju cahaya)
Tegaskan diriku untuk melewatkan hari
Dengan keyakinan hati aku kumiliki
Biar, aku ikhlaskan peluhku basahi jiwaku
Sirami hatiku… aku akan tetap terus melangkah